Thank you for your interest in publishing with Pahle India Foundation (PIF). We accept contributions in the following two formats: White Paper and Issue Brief. To publish with us, please write to info@pahleindia.org

The subject of your email should contain the format (White Paper / Issue Brief) of your work. Your email should include a suggested title for your contribution and a short introduction to yourself.

We request you to wait for our team to respond to your communication.



  • A White Paper is similar to an extended journal article. It is expected to be of high academic quality, may be based on secondary/primary research, and on a subject with significant policy implications.
  • White Papers must be footnoted and include a select bibliography.
  • Two 500-word summaries of critical issues discussed in the work need to be submitted by the author along with the White Paper. These will be published as Blogs along with the White Paper.
  • Select White Papers may serve as the base document for a Seminar organised by PIF which the author would be expected to participate in.
  • Not every contribution that may breach the 6,000-word mark will be automatically published as a White Paper; the author’s consent will be sought if the Editorial Board determines the piece is more suitable as an Issue Brief.

Review process: White Paper drafts are reviewed by the PIF Editorial Board headed by its Chairman and at least one external referee (blind review). The reviewers’ comments are shared with the author for any required revisions.

Drafts are copy-edited and the author is apprised of any changes for their consent. The final draft is cleared for publication by the Editorial Board after it has been copy-edited and checked for plagiarism.


  • An Issue Brief is meant for the quick distribution of topical contributions.
  • Issue Briefs should be succinct and not more than 3500 words (including charts, bibliography, notes, etc.) in length.
  • A 300-word summary of the Issue Brief making the relevance of the piece for policymaking explicit needs to be submitted by the author. This will be published as a Blog along with the Issue Brief.
  • Select Issue Briefs may serve as the base document for a Roundtable organised by PIF which the author would be expected to participate in.

Review process: Being time sensitive, Issue Briefs are not subject to the lengthy blind review process but will instead be reviewed by the PIF Editorial Board in consultation with relevant experts if necessary.

Drafts are copy-edited and the author is apprised of any changes for their consent. The final draft is cleared for publication by the Editorial Board after it has been copy-edited and checked for plagiarism.

Submissions without References (Endnotes) are liable to be rejected.

Submit PIF Publication (White Paper / Issue Brief)

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